Other resources

NVivo 11 Mac

An extensive range of free resources are available to help NVivo Mac users get up and running. Many of these are accessible from within NVivo. You can also make them widely available by posting links on your organizations Intranet, for example.

In addition, NVivo Mac (Version 11.2) has the ability to automatically display the user interface language in French, German and Spanish (Mexico) based on the preferred language in Mac OS X System Preferences.

Some of the resources below are also available in the language of the user interface. Users can access localized resources from the Help menu in NVivo.

Resource Description
Getting Started Guide

Gives an introduction to the NVivo workspace and features and provides steps for starting a new project.

Users can access the Getting Started Guide from the software—on the menu bar, choose Help > Getting Started Guide.

You can also download the Getting Started Guide.

NVivo Help

Provides comprehensive information about working with NVivo. Users must be connected to the Internet to access the Help.

Users can access Help from the software—on the menu bar, choose Help > NVivo Help.

You can also access the Help website directly.

Sample project

Enables users to explore features of NVivo using sample data.  The project, called Environmental Change Down East, is provided with the NVivo software.

Users can create their own copy of the sample project at any time.

To create a copy of the sample project, users can do one of the following:

  • On the Welcome to NVivo Mac window, click Create a copy of the sample project

  • On the menu bar, choose File > Create Copy of Sample Project.


Offer step-by-step animated demonstrations of NVivo's features and how to use them.  

Users can access the tutorials from the software—on the menu bar, choose Help > Tutorials

You can also access the Tutorials directly from the QSR website.

Project Conversion

NVivo for Mac projects have a different file format from those created in NVivo for Windows:

  • NVivo for Windows (.nvp) – e.g. MyProject.nvp

  • NVivo for Mac (.nvpx) – e.g. MyProject.nvpx

All conversion between NVivo 11 Windows and NVivo 11 Mac must be done using NVivo 11 Windows.

All conversion between NVivo 10 Windows and NVivo 10 Mac must be done using NVivo 10 Windows (Service Pack 5 or later).

For further information about project conversion and installation of project converters, refer to Compatibility with other QSR software (Compatibility with NVivo for Mac) in the NVivo 11 Windows section of this Technical Resource Center.