SSL certificates

NVivo Collaboration Server

You can use SSL certificates to host NVivo Collaboration Server, creating secure connections (HTTPS) between Collaboration Server, the Manager app, and clients.

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Selecting an SSL certificate to host NVivo Collaboration Server

During installation of Collaboration Server, you have the opportunity to select an SSL certificate to host Collaboration Server Manager (HTTPS). The installer detects certificates in the LOCALMACHINE > MY certificate store location.

If you don't select a certificate, Collaboration Server Manager is hosted on an insecure connection (HTTP).

For more information about SSL certificates, see the following MSDN articles:

Select an SSL certificate after installation

You need to specify the certificate during installation. If you want to select a certificate later, you can run the upgrade.bat to be able to select a certificate. For more information, refer to Upgrade from NVivo Server.

Renew an expired certificate

When your SSL certificate expires, renew the certificate using the appropriate method in IIS. Collaboration Server will automatically detect the new details because the binding already exists between Collaboration Server and the certificate. For more information about renewing SSL certificates, see the article Renewing your IIS SSL Certificate.