Other NVivo resources

NVivo 12 Windows

An extensive range of free resources are available to help NVivo 12 Windows users get up and running. Many of these are accessible from within NVivo. You can also make them widely available by posting links on your organizations Intranet, for example.

In addition, NVivo 12.1 provides a choice of seven interface languages—English, Chinese (Simplified Chinese), French, German, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish.


Resource Description
NVivo Help

Provides comprehensive information about working with NVivo. There is an offline version of the Help that is installed on the computer and an online version that is available when users are connected to the Internet. The online version has the most up-to-date information.

Users can access Help from the software by pressing F1 or by clicking the File tab, pointing to Help, and then clicking NVivo Help.

You can also access online Help directly.


Sample projects

Enable users to explore features of NVivo using sample data. The projects are provided with the NVivo software—they are included in the installer.

There is one sample project for  NVivo Pro edition, and two are available in NVivo Plus. Users can create new copies of the sample projects from the NVivo Start Screen—the project copies are saved in the default project location set in Application Options.

For sites with NVivo Server, a read-only version of the sample project is installed on the server. Users can open the server sample project and explore its contents but they cannot make changes to it. If users want to experiment with a sample project they should create their own copy of the server sample project.


Offer step-by-step animated demonstrations of NVivo's features and how to use them.  

Users can access the Tutorials from the software by clicking the File tab, pointing to Help and then clicking Tutorials.

You can also access the Tutorials directly from the QSR website.